Photos from Japan.  You can copy and save any photo as a jpg file and make your own prints.
Our Japan Visit
Hotel room with two bathrooms
Toilet with washing control panel
Renting a Japanese cell phone
Jerry waiting for the Rail pass office to open
Kathy studying the train schedule
Tokyo street from the train
Our hotel in Kyoto
Sunset and Kyoto Rail Station
Seiichiro Oouchi (left) and Noboru Unosawa at Tokyo
North terminal lobby
Jerry looking at the donut display
Figures on Kyoto building
Ninnaji Temple Entrance
Picnicking under the cherry trees
Kathy in front of interior gate
Jerry contemplating the blossoms
Students going in Ryoanji Temple grounds
Pond at Ryoanji Temple
Side garden in Ryoanji Temple
Ryoanji Zen Rock Garden
Kathy with Jonathan and Mandy
Ryoanji pond with bridge and island
Turtle in Ryoanji pond.
Grandvia Kyoto Hotel next to North Terminal
Kyoto Tower - Seems every city has to have one
A koi pond in a ? place
A local parking lot
Jerry trying our a one person rental car
Kathy in the Kyoto Towers fabric store
Kyoto Tower at night
kathy disappointed with the size of her rib dinner
Slot machines in the noisiest place you have ever been in
Staircase to the open sky
Jerry on top of the station roof
Our Shinkansen bullet train.  They go up to 260 km/hr
Jerry and Kathy at the Mishima station
Turtles in pond at Haraido Shrine
Larger pond at Haraido Shrine
Lion at Haraido Shrine
Tiles on Shrine roof
Wind socks in someone’s front yard
Decorated manhole cover in sidewalk  
Peace Park seen from a Museum window
Kathy finding us an Italian restaurant
Would you believe this is Japan?
Children’s Peace Monument
Children interviewing kathy
A-bomb dome - former Prefect of Hiroshima Building
Covered streets in Hiroshima
Our ride back to the Hiroshima Station
Shinkansen bullet train leaving the station
Looking up to the Floating Garden Restaurant
Glass escalator
View from the roof.
Jerry trying not to look
Kathy enjoying the ride
Shin Umeda pond and waterfall
Osaka Castle
Jerry trying out an ancient warrior hat
Kathy posing in front of the Castle
A moat to keep out
unfriendly neighbors
Ancient statues
Chinese phoenix on top of the Golden Pavilion
Silk painting in the Isetan Department Store
A display kitchen setup
Jerry trying the power driven shelf in a display kitchen
Toji Temple pagoda
Jerry with a Manek Ineko welcome cat
Fields and houses from the train
Cleaning lady ready to hop on our Shinkansen train at Tokyo
Narita Airport ground crew waving goodbye to us
Incheon Airport in Korea
’25,000 Year Old Man’ in Hyatt   Regency Hotel lobby
Jerry and Kathy in Hyatt Hotel lounge in Incheon Korea
Chief working on Kathy’s hamburger